Financial data

Check the current financial data of ED Invest S.A. We provide access to financial reports and present selected financial data to provide investors with complete and detailed information that will allow them to reliably evaluate our business and make informed investment decisions.

Selected financial data (in thousands of PLN)

Year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Fixed assets 7 551 4 185 3 903 5 050 3 199
Current assets 85 658 88 960 80 462 80 008 72 826
Equity 67 283 62 835 63 923 58 279 50 973
Long-term liabilities 4 434 8 302 7 475 17 370 13 455
Short-term liabilities 21 493 22 009 13 218 9 409 11 595
Balance sheet total 93 210 93 146 84 616 85 058 76 023
Sales revenue 131 552 78 918 59 683 91 481 43 653
Cost of sales 97 943 58 688 41 376 70 393 31 663
Gross profit (loss) from sales 33 609 20 230 18 307 21 088 11 990
Selling costs 1 655 956 921 998 849
General administration costs 8 384 7 825 6 586 6 220 5 995
Other operating income 717 476 270 434 441
Other operating expenses 76 354 435 229 359
Operating profit (loss) 24 211 11 571 10 635 14 075 5 228
Financial income 684 401 119 135 105
Financial expenses 414 679 744 760 626
Profit (loss) before tax 24 480 11 294 10 009 13 449 4 705
Income tax 4 222 2 309 1 245 3 072 1 068
Net profit (loss) 20 258 8 985 8 764 10 377 3 637