Investor relations > Stocks on the Exchange > Auditor/Animator

We work with reputable and professional partners who confirm the integrity and transparency of our financial reports and maintain the liquidity of our stock trading. By working with them, we can guarantee our investors the highest standards in financial reporting.
Independent auditor
We cooperate with a reputable and independent auditor to confirm the reliability and transparency of our financial statements.
The auditing firm that audits and reviews the Company’s financial statements is Grant Thornton Polska Prosta spółka akcyjna (formerly: Grant Thornton Polska Sp. z o.o. k.).
The semi-annual and annual financial statements published by the Company are subject to review or audit by the auditor, respectively.

The brokerage house of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. is the market maker of ED Invest S.A. shares on the Stock Exchange. It supports the Company in fulfilling the tasks set by the WSE and maintains the liquidity of trading, making it easier for investors to conclude transactions.