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Capital Group
We are a developer that for more than 20 years has been developing housing projects tailored to the needs of thousands of new and regular customers. In every area in which we operate, we put our customer first, so we design apartments and houses that are functional, comfortable and diverse in style and size. We carry out development projects related to residential and residential-commercial, multi-family and single-family projects on our own and entrusted land. We actively invest in two large agglomerations of Warsaw and Krakow.
Capital Group
ED Invest S. A. is the parent company of the ED Invest S. A. Group, which includes the Issuer and seven subsidiaries: APV Radzikowskiego Sp. z o. o., Project View Sp. z o. o., SOEDI1 Sp. z o. o, SOEDI2 Sp. z o. o., SOEDI3 Sp. z o. o., SOEDI4 Sp. z o. o., SOEDI5 Sp. z o. o. The group was established in 2023 year.
Years of experience
We have been building apartments and houses for more than twenty years. We are well acquainted with the realities of the market we recognize and understand the needs of our customers and are able to respond to them.
Unique business model
We operate under an innovative business model, in which we carry out our investments both in the developer formula - that is, on our own land - and in the “Developer PLUS” formula, which is based on multi-family construction on land entrusted by housing cooperatives.
Business diversification
We are not limited to our only source of income, which provides us with greater stability and resilience to market fluctuations. We operate in various segments of the real estate market, implementing development projects on our own land, as well as cooperating with many housing cooperatives. We are actively preparing to start operations in the segment of leasing commercial space.
As a result, we offer a wide range of apartments and houses, available in various areas of the Warsaw and Krakow agglomerations, tailored to the diverse needs of residents.
We build for yOU

Our values
We care about the high quality of apartments and houses, so that they meet the expectations of customers and serve them for years. In our projects we pay attention to the smallest details.
Trust is the basis of our relationship with customers, business partners and shareholders. We are transparent in our communications. We make sure that all our actions are in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
We believe that our projects should serve not only our customers, but also the entire community. We actively support initiatives that improve the quality of life of local residents and engage in pro-social projects, cooperating with selected foundations and organizations and supporting the youngest in the realization of sports passions.
Our investments are designed to minimize negative impact on the environment and use resources efficiently. We carry out investments, paying great attention to the protection of natural resources at every stage - from design to operation.