Investor relations > For investors > Q&A
We have prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions for you to provide you with quick and convenient access to the relevant information you are looking for.
Frequently asked questions
Where are the shares of ED Invest S.A. traded?
ED Invest S.A. shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
What is the ticker of ED Invest S.A. on the WSE?
The company’s ticker is EDI.
Who are the shareholders of the Company?
You can find the current shareholding structure here.
Where are the shares of ED Invest S.A. traded?
If you do not yet have an investment account, you need to open one at the brokerage house of your choice. Once the account is set up and funded, you can start placing orders, i.e. buying and selling ED Invest S.A. shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Can I buy shares directly from the Company?
Unfortunately, no. The company is listed on a regulated market, so shares can only be purchased through brokerage houses. We cannot conduct direct sales outside the market.
What is the Company's accounting year?
The Company’s fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, that is, it runs from January 1 to December 31.
What are the publication dates of the Company's periodic reports?
You can find all the reports here.
How to stay up to date with the events of IR ED Invest S.A.?
We encourage you to keep up to date with the information we provide here.
Where can one find information about the Board of Directors of ED Invest S.A.?
The list of board members and their professional resumes can be found here.
Where can I find information about the Supervisory Board of ED Invest S.A.?
The list of Supervisory Board members and their professional resumes can be found here.
What markets does the Company operate in?
We implement investments in the areas of the Cracow and Warsaw agglomerations.
Does the company have a dividend policy?
We do not have a written and approved dividend policy, but given our history of dividend payments and past market practice, as well as the systematic annual adoption of dividends by the General Meeting of Shareholders, we can safely say that we have a developed dividend policy. You can find detailed information on the payment schedule and the amount of dividends paid over the years 2010-2024 here.
Where can I find information about the amounts of dividends paid?
You can find detailed information on dividends paid here.
What is the structure of the ED Invest S.A. Group?
You can see the capital group structure of ED Invest S.A. here.
Who can I talk to about the company as a shareholder or stock investor?
At the bottom of each investor relations sub-page you will find contact information for the investor relations person.
Does ED Invest S.A. hold meetings with investors?
Currently, we do not hold regular meetings with investors, but upon individual inquiries to the IR department (contact available here) it is possible to organize such a meeting.